Meals: Energy Gel
Energy Gel
Homemade Energy Gel
Cooking Directions
- Use a gel flask and fill using the ingredients
- Portion to taste or needs
Prep Time: 5 mins
Cook Time: 0 mins
Total Time: 5 mins
Meals: Sweet Potato Mix
Meals: Sweet Potato Mix
Meals: Sweet Potato Mix
Cooking Directions
- Wash sweet potato
- Chop onion, then add to pan to sauté
- Season with sea salt
- Chop sweet potato and apples
- Add sweet potato and apples to pan
- Season with cinnamon
- Cover pan and let cook
Prep Time: 15 mins
Cook Time: 30 mins
Total Time: 45 mins
Super Water
Meals: Super Water
Meals: Super Water
Cooking Directions
- Pour glass of water
- Add salt, squeeze of lemon, Apple Cider Vinegar, & Honey
Prep Time: 3 mins
Cook Time: 0 mins
Total Time: 3 mins
Meals: Bag of Veggies
Snack: Bag of Veggies
Meals: Bag of Veggies
Cooking Directions
- Wash all vegetables
- Chop broccoli and peppers
- Stuff all vegetables into a sandwich bag
Prep Time: 5 mins
Cook Time: 0 mins
Total Time: 5 mins
Meals: Beans & Toast
Beans & Toast
Meals: Beans & Toast
Cooking Directions
- Chop and add garlic, onion, peppers, pickles, and olive oil to a pan, to sauté
- Add black beans, salt and pepper to pan
- Toast bread
- Plate toast with beans on top, finish with sliced avocado on the side
Prep Time: 7 mins
Cook Time: 10 mins
Total Time: 17 mins
Meals: Edamame
Snack: Edamame
Meals: Edamame
Cooking Directions
- Cook edamame in microwave, about 2 minutes.
- Sprinkle salt over.
- Just eat the beans, not the pods
Prep Time: 2 mins
Cook Time: 3 mins
Total Time: 5 mi
Meals: French Toast
Meals: French Toast
Meals: French Toast
Cooking Directions
- Mash banana in a bowl, then add nut milk, cinnamon, and vanilla extract
- Wisk ingredients together
- Add coconut oil to pan on medium heat
- Dip pieces of bread into the bowl lightly
- Place coated bread pieces into pan and flip when golden in color
- Plate up adding drizzled honey, extra cinnamon and banana
Prep Time: 7 mins
Cook Time: 15 mins
Total Time: 20-25 mins
Meals: Green Smoothie
Meals: Green Smoothie
Meals: Green Smoothie
Cooking Directions
- Wash, peel, de-pit and add all ingredients into a blender
- Blend-up and serve
Prep Time: 5 mins
Cook Time: 3 mins
Total Time: 8 mins
Meals: Oatmeal
Meals: Oatmeal
Meals: Oatmeal
Cooking Directions
- Cook oats then place into a bowl
- Add all nuts, seeds, and fruit to bowl
- Top with nut milk, honey, cinnamon, turmeric, & crushed black pepper
Prep Time: 5 mins
Cook Time: 5-15 mins
Total Time: 10-25 mins