Head Unit Dashboard Set-up

Dashboard views for training

Look to this guide to set-up your bicycle head unit

It’s important to have your dashboard screens set up with the right information to complete training protocol.  

Main Dashboard

Set up your main page with 8 fields of data

Main Dashboard Data Fields

  1. 3 Second Power (watts)
  2. Heart Rate (bpm)
  3. Distance (kms or miles)
  4. Timer
  5. Kilojoules
  6. Cadence (rpm)
  7. Time of Day
  8. TSS (Training Stress Score)

Interval Dashboard

Set up your interval page with 10 fields of data

Interval Dashboard Data Fields

  1. Timer
  2. Lap (Interval) Timer
  3. Target (Under Workouts menu)
  4. Heart Rate
  5. Cadence
  6. Lap (Interval) Heart Rate
  7. Lap (Interval) Power (3 second)
  8. Time to Go for Interval
  9. Laps
  10. Lap (Interval) Intensity Factor

Climbing, Hill, SFR-MT Dashboard

Set up your Climbing, Hill, SFR-MT page with 10 fields of data

Important to note that you will need to download the Torque Nm, Lap VAM and Grade data fields from Garmin Connect IQ


Torque Nm



Climbing, Hill, SFR-MT Dashboard Data Fields

  1. Lap Time
  2. Torque Nm
  3. Grade (%)
  4. 3 Second Power (watts)
  5. Lap Power (watts)
  6. Lap Heart Rate (bpm)
  7. Lap Cadence (rpm)
  8. Total Ascent (ft)
  9. Elevation (ft)
  10. Lap VAM

Other Data Pages

Feel free to add any other pages that you personally like and/or use.