Head Unit Dashboard Set-up
Dashboard views for training

Look to this guide to set-up your bicycle head unit
It’s important to have your dashboard screens set up with the right information to complete training protocol.
Main Dashboard
Set up your main page with 8 fields of data

Main Dashboard Data Fields
- 3 Second Power (watts)
- Heart Rate (bpm)
- Distance (kms or miles)
- Timer
- Kilojoules
- Cadence (rpm)
- Time of Day
- TSS (Training Stress Score)
Interval Dashboard
Set up your interval page with 10 fields of data

Interval Dashboard Data Fields
- Timer
- Lap (Interval) Timer
- Target (Under Workouts menu)
- Heart Rate
- Cadence
- Lap (Interval) Heart Rate
- Lap (Interval) Power (3 second)
- Time to Go for Interval
- Laps
- Lap (Interval) Intensity Factor
Other Data Pages
Feel free to add any other pages that you personally like and/or use.