7 Steps to Athletic Perfection
This document will focus on seven key areas to review what it takes to ride, train, and compete as a perfect athlete.
Some words and context sourced from Marco Pinotti; professional cyclist.

- Focus on the day-to-day of training and athletic lifestyle
- Understand why you are doing something and when to do it
- Ask questions, be curious
- Be driven to be consistent
- Set goals with specific aims
- Understand the process and your place within it
- Clear targets are vital
- Aligned motivation with your team organization

- Find a health addiction with your sport
- Have requirements not sacrifices
- Training should have a positive flow to it
- Attention to details
- Athlete lifestyle is 24/7/365
- View tasks through an atheles mindset
- Find balance: the closer you are to competition the more strict you have to be
Self Confidence
- Self-critical is not self-confident
- believe you are heading in the right direction
- Learn to adapt to what you are
- Find heroes to push you through the challenging times
- Use mental imagery to succeed
- Look to mentors for guidance

- Commit to focused goals
- Create a priorities lists and stick to it!
- Limit unnecessary distractions
- Training and training plan comes first!
- Be prepared for the task of training.
- Do not rely on “just training by feelings”
- Mental prepare yourself for each daily planned training
- Balance is never straight-forward
- You must be selfish at times but never lose awareness of your ego
- Ego can be your own worst enemy
- Focus on the method of success not the result
- A stable life in sport depends on a stable home life
- Ignore the peer pressure, stay systematic and stable

- Their are no short cuts
- Achieve small improvements to reach your objective
- Moral compass is important and gives real value
- Cheating is unacceptable and you can succeed clean!